Sunday, October 3, 2010

Lighthouse Patrol

Baderon heard I was stuck in town and things didn't go well at Coral Tower. Clearly Baderon has connections. He suggested I throw in at the Fisherman's Guild. Since I couldn't leave Linsa Lominsa, I decided to drop in. I'm starting to wonder why he's trying to get me into other career fields. Perhaps he wasn't impressed with the new counter tops I'd worked on for the Mizzenmast. Well, as long as maple wand sales are steady I'll be working with wood.

I got up early this morning to head over to the Fisherman's Guild. I spoke to N'nmulika at the front desk and she seemed elated to have an adventurer show up at the guild. (Did Baderon know this would happen?) A lalafell named Wawalago (the guild leader?) explained to me a very important location to the guild had fallen into enemy hands. They were being blocked from access to a particular lighthouse and he wanted me to accompany Sisipu there and make sure it was all clear and the light still shone. It seems not only the Knights, but the "pullers" (as they call themselves) have trouble with sahagin and Serpent Reavers.

Meet Sisipu!
Sispu taught me some common guild hand signs to identify friend from foe and had me meet her at the Zephyr Gate. I feel like I'm finally on a real adventure! I made some preparations and headed for Zephyr Gate right away. Sisipu was eager to find out what had happened at the lighthouse.
Damn! Fleasquitos!
We made it to the lighthouse without any significant problems. We were attacked a few times by ankle biters, a giant fleasquito in my book, but I made short work of them. Arrival at the lighthouse was grim, though. The light watch was no where to be seen. I scoured the area and found a couple of dead members of the watch and amidst them ... Emerick! I had seen this fellow at my aptitude test at the Knights. He was talking to some evelen fellow about pirate codes. I signaled them with hand signs, and they assured me they were members of the fishing guild - but they did not return my hand signs. I had a bad feeling about it, but I couldn't fight them two against one so I let them get away.

Things are Grim at the Light

Soon after the rest of the watch returned from their hiding and told a tale of Reaver attacks and Knight rescue. It is sad to me that several innocent fishermen died here and what did Emerick have to do with it? Sisipu returned to the guild now that the situation was resolved and I decided I'd go to the guild to collect my pay and ask some questions about Emerick.

Also - in my excitement for a real test of my conjury skill, I had forgotten I was asked not to leave the city! I hope this doesn't get back to the Knights before I get back to town.

PS:  Well, Wawalago didn't know anything about Emerick as I imagined. He did give me three thousand gil, though. It was certainly worth my while to break the Knights rules.

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