Saturday, January 1, 2011

Winds of Change

The holiday season has brought with it several changes!
Happy New Year!
While Bonchacha continues to manage the store (which I've relocated to Gridania) I have enlisted a new trainee named Kalokoko to assist me with a new business venture. I recently heard while delivering goods to Frondale's Phrontistery that it was possible (easy, in fact) to turn fish into shards and crystals which are then used to produce other goods in other fields (such as carpentry). I had recently run into a bit of a wind shard crisis while working with wood so I decided to let my surplus of goods sell on Bonchacha while I began a new venture in the fishing and alchemy trade.

I've spent the holiday season working with fish and I've become a somewhat accomplished fisherman. What was once a small hobby is now a lucrative business! The demand for crystals and shards is so high that I'm filling orders nearly every other day. I'm also stock piling a large collection of shards for myself in the meantime. I'll turn my attention back to carpenter soon but since Bonchacha is not in need of supplies I have plenty of time to continue to amass and trade shards with members of Elysium and other select friends.

Although Elysium is made up of my dear friends, I also decided I would join a consortium of crafters and gatherers collectively known as Moogle Incorporated. I'm not sure if I mentioned them before but they also have a group of elite monster hunters who aptly call themselves the Moogle Knights. I was invited to join them on their hunt one night last week and it was with great success that we took down two formidable monsters.

Moogle Knights vs Ureaus!
Moogle Knights vs Great Buffalo!
Guildleves have also taken an interesting turn. Elysium has begun to gather regularly to handle various guildleves. We gather nearly every other day and we fight for several hours. It's reminiscent of when we began our adventures in Eorzea, but now it comes at a great boon to our skills and abilities. We have figured out a method to maximize our training on specific guildleves and we fight through monsters with much efficiency!

When I'm not fishing, turning fish into gil, doing guildleves with Elysium or fighting notorious monsters with Moogle Knights, Nimla and I like to relax by defending Camp Broken Water from the hordes of Quartz Doblyn that are springing up all over the place down there. We also tangle with the occasional buzzard and a new threat of diremites that are spreading across the Thanalan region.

As a result of this I end up harvesting numerous copper, zinc, tin and silver ore from these little rock creatures. Nimla is a rather accomplished goldsmith so I give her all of the silver, but the other ore I've been using to create odds and ends as a blacksmith, armorer and goldsmith. I do not plan to make a true occupation out of these skills, but it's one way to capitalize on all this loot we accumulate. I suppose things will change when we find new throngs of monsters to fight. I hear Sphene Doblyn have been amassing near the Ferry Docks to Linsa Lominsa in western Thanalan...

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