Monday, March 7, 2011

The Dreamer Awakens

I've been dividing up my time between working with alchemical formulae in Ul'dah and fishing off the coasts of La Noscea so I get to drop in at the Phrontistery every now and then. Today I stopped into the children's ward hoping to see how Damielliot was doing. Apparently his condition had worsened since the last time I stopped in. His room was flooded with concerned children, which made it difficult to administer unpleasant treatments. I offered to offer my assistance helping the children get through this hard time. First line of business, however, was to see if I could glean any helpful information by using the Echo on Damielliot.
Sleeping Damielliot
It was odd. Hadn't I thought to do it before? Perhaps I wasn't as comfortable using the Echo before or perhaps because he was a child, but I felt I could really help and so I delved into his mind and into his past. It's beginning to feel unusually natural to rely on the Echo and to glimpse the truth hidden behind the present day. The transitions from present to past memories go almost unnoticed. I hope this doesn't mean that in the future I'm unable to tell the difference, but it seems absurd now because using the Echo seems so "distant" or "ethereal."
This is Dragon Country!

I found myself somewhere in Coerthas and Master Damielliot lying in the grasses at the bottom of a ravine. I feared the worst and his thoughts confirmed my fears - he had fallen. It must have been fifty or eighty yalms! He was muttering about a dragon, too. Could it be the dragon from his stories? I've heard of dragons that roam Coerthas, but have yet to actually see one. In retrospect it reminds me of my adventures with Morys, but at the time I could think of nothing more than to ease the boy's suffering. I put together a salve that he incidentally had the recipe and ingredients for - perhaps he managed to make it himself in the past where I do not use the Echo? ...or did I use the Echo in the unforeseen future to cure him in the past before I had ever met him? I know not.
Faustigeant Salve
He was able to stand and speak and presumably return to his family - though he confirmed to me in the fleeting instant I remained in his memories that he was the boy from the story. He had been rescued from brigands by a dragon and brought to this ravine somewhere near Camp Dragonhead.

I returned to the small room in the children's ward and stood once more beside Damielliot's bed. As the present formed around me I watched as his eyes opened clearly for the first time since I'd known him. The children were delighted and his nurse rushed to tell the guildmaster. He spoke only three words to me then and I knew what I had done in the Echo had made a real impact. "You saved me."

I will never forget that. Nor will I forget the power of the Echo frightens me as much as excites me.

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