Saturday, April 30, 2011

The Orion's Belt

As Nimla and I passed through customs entering Limsa Lominsa  we were hailed by a ship captain who was being held up due to some unfortunate technicalities. I had seen him around the ports before but we had never spoken. He asked if we could take care of some business for him while he waited for customs to sort out their issues with his ship, the Orion, and its cargo.

Captain Ahldskyf had the great idea to sell flour to the island nation in the Sea of Jade called Thavnair where flour is a rare commodity. They were to set sail for the capital of Radz-at-Han, but the Orion's owner would not condone wasting cargo space on the flour which was all crated and ready to be loaded. Captain Ahldskyf and the ship's cook had devised a plan to pitch the flour to both the nobles of Thavnair and the ship's owner by using a secret recipe for fishtack. All the captain wanted us to do was spread the fishtack around town and get it endorsed by notable members of the community.

Shoshoma Sampling
 It sounded easy enough so Nimla and I set out to the task. We tracked down Daca Jinjahl whom I had met in passing at the Fisherman's Bottom. Her expert opinion on fish was the first endorsement we got. We then headed to Shoshoma, a lalafell I had not heard of but was perhaps an acquaintance of the ship's owner. Then we headed to F'zhumii, a Knight of the Barracuda, who also gave it a positive review. Nimla and I were growing hungry and all this talk of how good the fishtack is made us want to sample it ourselves more and more, but we had one last stop - and perhaps the most important.

Cats Love Fish(tack)
We spoke with Aentfoet at the Bismarck restaurant, a renown chef and culinary master. He feigned disregard for something as common as fishtack, but I could see in his eyes that his passion for food burned brightly. He dismissed it, yet asked for the recipe so that he may "improve upon it." Nimla and I laughed and shook our heads. We could see that he was sold on the ship's cook's recipe, but it went without saying the cook would leave his ship to work with Aentfoet at the Bismarck, or give up his guarded secret recipe. Perhaps Nimla and I could coax him out of it as a reward.

Chef Aentfoet Approved
Upon our successful return with only positive reviews behind us, Ahldskyf offered us a position on his ship as deckhands which we turned down. To be honest, I would love to serve aboard a ship for a time, but my business ventures and responsibilities around the city-states keep me bound to the land for now. I cannot abandon my customers or my Path with Hero. We did not receive fishtack or its recipe, but Captain Ahldskyf did  reward us with 5,000 gil each.

Friday, April 29, 2011

Urianger Augurelt

The day I was dubbed Dodosbane I had heard some strange reports as I was leaving Gridania. The weather was worsening and so I was eager to leave for Ul'dah rather than pay these stories much heed, but some events closer to home have made it hard to dismiss as mere rumor. I had heard briefly some whispers that "deaspected" crystals had begun circulating around the Black Shroud. These crystals totally drained of their elemental aspect were being found cropping up all over when they had never been seen before - not altogether unlike the "unaspected" crystals of Mor Dhona.

I had also heard some mysterious, robed prophet had been seen and circulating around the camps of the Black Shroud preaching stories of gloom and doom, death and destruction imminent. I thought nothing of this as I made my way out of the Black Shroud and through the Golden Bazaar to Ul'dah. It wasn't until after capturing Kokoroon Quickfingers that I heard a report come over the Moogle Knight linkpearl. A Knight had seen the prophet in the very streets of Ul'dah itself!

He spoke in a tongue unfamiliar to us but one I've heard among a small population of Ul'dah residents. The word on the street was that his message was broadcast in multiple languages to all the people of Eorzea. Regardless of the language, the message was clear. "Our fates are not predetermined. The 6th Astral Age is ending and the 7th Umbral Age is upon us. Prepare to fight the good fight for our very survival and future."

He vanished instantly and rain beset the entire region of Eorzea. Reports came in from as far away as Coerthas and La Noscea that the rain had been pouring down as soon as he had gone. The city-state issued a statement to ignore these ridiculous, false prophecies and run this man out of camp if we are to see him again, but what can this all portend? Could he truly see the things to come? It is certainly unnerving.

I hope to see him for myself in the days to come - to question him at the very least.

Thursday, April 28, 2011

Capturing Kokoroon Quickfingers (Solo)

I spent the night in Nanawa Mines last night in pursuit of a fugitive I'd recently read about at The Quicksand. He was called Kokoroon Quickfingers and I'd seen him out of the corner of my eye enter the mines while I was fighting dodo in the area. I intended to pursue and capture, but got turned around so many times that I had nearly given up hope. Then I stumbled into a room full of yarzon and saw him trying to tamper with the elevator that went deeper into the mine shafts.

Now I've Got You!
He was fast as his name implied, but using my newly mastered thaumaturgy skills - I was able to slow him down, paralyze him and keep him blind most of the fight. I used these techniques to my advantage and won a decisive victory over the troublemaker. I apprehended him and returned him to Ul'dah where I was awarded Kokoroon's Darkshell Mail as well as his Nestpicker bow.

I heard later in the day he had picked the lock and escaped. Well, I did my part anyway. 

Kokoroon Quickfingers
  • Nanawa Mines (9,5)
  • Kokoroon's Darkshell Mail
  • Kokoroon's Nestpicker

Wednesday, April 27, 2011

Shai Dodosbane

Nimla and I were returning from Gridania to Uldah by foot and decided to drop in at the Golden Bazaar, a small community of traders and merchants living in the northeast area of Thanalan. We had only time to have a refreshing glass of water when a young Lalafell merchant called Sasapano approached us with a curious tale. Earlier in the day he had been traveling back from Gridania himself and had been attacked by a pack of ... dodos. Fleeing the dodos he stumbled into a group of Garlean soldiers camped in a cave. Caught between the Empire and the ... dodos, he opted to abandon his goods and head for Golden Bazaar as fast as he could.

Dodos? Really?
 We stifled some laughter but agreed to help him by slaying the dodos so he could recover his goods - or particularly a rare Azeyma rose which he described to be so beautiful we'd never love another flower afterward. Well, all this for a flower and the 5,000 gil he promised us in return for protecting him from ... dodos.

Epic Dodo Fight
Nimla and I accompanied Sasapano to the spot and sure enough there was a large throng of dodos hanging around "aggressively." Nimla and I made short work of them while Sasapano scrambled to find his precious rose (which I admit was quite astounding). We made him standby while we investigated the cave where he'd seen Imperials but we found only common Thanalan shrew scuffling about. That was slightly disappointing. I was ready to evict those invaders from this mortal coil if they happened to be a size of force that Nimla and I could handle. Regrettably they had either moved on or the Lalafell had imagined them in his heighten state of panic.

We returned with him to the Golden Bazaar where he awarded us with the gil (5,000 each!) and dubbed us Dodosbane. It has a nice ring to it, Shai Dodosbane, but perhaps the "Dodo" part is not quite intimidating enough. Well, until my exploits grow, I suppose I am Dodosbane.

U'bokhn of the Desert Shade
As we arrived in Ul'dah that evening I caught wind there was a young woman looking for a dodo slayer. Nimla just laughed, but I decided to heed the call. If there are dodos to be slayed, I shall be that slayer. I headed over to the Coliseum where I found a Miqo'te drink vendor in need of my expertise. She introduced herself as U'bokhn, originally from Gridania, but now a founding member of the Desert Shade. It's an organization attempting to better Ul'dah ecologically - U'bokhn does her part to keep people hydrated in the city and outside they are attempting reforestation. Their efforts thwarted by those vile dodos who dig up and eat every planted seed.

Dodosbane in Action
 I set out at once to clear the area selected for reforestation. Spear blazing, I slayed many dodo that night. By daybreak the job was done and all that was left was to return to U'bokhn to get the botanists out to sow the seeds. Unfortunately, she would have to wait. I had seen a fugitive enter the Nanawa Mines and I intended to pursue and apprehend if possible.

This is Dodo Genocide!

Tuesday, April 26, 2011

Prince of Pestilence & Alux (Solo)

While I was in the Mun-Tuy Cellars searching for Twiggy the Spriggan Brigand I found myself face to face with this notorious monster which I'd read recently was on the Gridania "Most Wanted List." It's called the Prince of Pestilence and as such is vile and disease ridden - I took initiative to slay the grotesque creature. I managed to wrest from his vile clutches a blood red robe and mask known as the Seer's Cloak and a red tinged sword called Flametongue which I planned to use as I practice my thaumaturgy and sword skills respectively. They would make formidable replacements to my previous gear.

Punishing the Prince of Pestilence

Prince of Pestilence

  • Mun-Tuy Cellars (6,3 & 7,3)
  • Seer's Cloak
  • Flametongue

I also knew that the Prince doesn't work alone. He was possibly summoned by another devious monster so I set to work to track it down and found the imp referred to in hushed whispers as Alux. I engaged him in battle - mage against demonic mage - confident that I would remain victorious and as a result I was awarded a trophy weapon named Kple Kple.

Assaulting Alux

  • Mun-Tuy Cellars (29,34)
  • Kple Kple (5,5)

Some research at the Conjurer's Guild revealed this information about Kple Kple.
 "This staff is said to have been created by a powerful conjurer who took the taproot of an ancient rosewood tree burned to the ground by a levinbolt, and fixed to it a ceremonial sun mask used by the primitive tribes on the distant southern continent of Meracydia. The magicked weapon is said to grant its wielder the ability to hear the whispers of the elementals."
Kple Kple

The Dreamer Dilema

I awoke to quite the commotion this morning. I pulled myself out of bed at the Roost in Gridania and made my way out into the streets to figure out what was the matter. The source of the disturbance was Jihli Aliapoh and her followers - something had happened. Jihli herself was in some kind of trance, muttering the Dreamer's Gospel verses about a hero saving them from calamity. Her assistance was much more helpful, however. He explained to me that one of the spriggan assistants had stolen all their eggs that adventurers like myself had so thoughtfully and carefully warmed for them. I bet Marcette's research about the gregariousness of spriggan species would have been useful to them last night.

Something is Missing
 Now, I'm not sure why I allow myself to be caught up in these messes, but I told myself if I didn't help them track down those eggs, I'd never know if their talk of the Archon was real or not. I couldn't let their summoning ceremony fall flat without doing my part (again) to help. Admittedly this was a bit more of a commitment than simply warming up some eggs, but her assistant, Bricot, assured me that if I were to help (become the hero in the Dreamer's Gospel) that I would be rewarded with assorted egg caps like the pristine one I had been given earlier. The hats are cute, I admit, so I set out at once to find the spriggan brigand named Twiggy.

Stop, Vile Spriggan Villains!
I searched high and low, from Camp Tranquil through Humblehearth to Emerald Moss and found Twiggy was not alone in his heist. I apprehended and punished numerous egg-stealing spriggan and gathered a dozen or so of each element (elements I didn't even know they had collected!) on my journey to find Twiggy. I even delved into the depths of the Tam-Tara Deepcroft and the Mun-Tuy Cellars - and at last I found Twiggy!

Finding Twiggy!
He (it?) explained to me that he was planning to do his own Archon summoning and asked me to give him only one set of elemental eggs for him to go through with the project. Now, I have to say I am translating a bit of his spriggan gibberish but that was the gist of his request. He offered me a shiny white egg cap with a small, golden chocobo figurine on top and I was sold (I'm a sucker for "cute" junk). I handed over to him a set of elemental eggs and promised not to reveal his location deep in the cellars. He gave me the egg helmet and I returned to Jihli with the rest of my haul.

Gifts from the Spriggan
Jihli was most elated to see I had returned a vast many eggs. I was showered with gifts and praise and assured that I was truly the hero spoken of in the Dreamer's Gospel. I don't really know about that, but I am curious if the Archons are going to show up anytime soon to help us fight the Imperials. Between Jihli and her followers and Twiggy - I hope to see some Archons soon.

Monday, April 25, 2011

Eorzean Geographic Expedition

I've been spending time in Gridania trying to get some insight on this Archon business from the original Dreamer herself, Jihli Aliapoh. She hasn't been a lot of help, however. She simply speaks verses from the Dreamer's Gospel and hands out eggs for me to warm with her assistants and her two spriggan helpers. I been warming their eggs for days wondering what will happen in the future and how much stock there is to these Archon legends when I noticed a tall Elezen woman standing near by with a small field journal.

Jihli and the Egg Spriggan
She introduced herself as Marcette, a journalist employed by Eorzean Geographic, and explained that she was doing a study on the spriggan. She had been trying to get in a word with Jihli and her helpers but was also making no progress with the Dreamers. She asked me if I would go out into the forest and hunt some and return with their teeth for examination. It sounded a bit weird, but I set off with Nimla to help her out.

Spriggan Hunt!
We returned to her with the teeth and other "droppings" and she quickly analyzed some of the data. Through this expedition, I've learned that spriggans are gregarious animals. They nest in large groups below-ground, digging labyrinthine tunnel networks. They are skilled predators, and that they are even capable of creating fire using flint stones which makes them rather intelligent. Jihli's spriggan helpers in particular are capable of primitive speech, though all they talk about is eggs and Archon.

Marcette and her Assistants

Sunday, April 24, 2011

Tending Azeyma the Warden's Flock

I overheard a sermon being shouted by a Roegadyn claiming to be the voice of Azeyma the Warden. I decided to listen what Swaenhylt had to say in hopes I could learn something about these lands or maybe even the Archon. He lived in seclusion for many years at Abalatia's Spine and returned to preach what he had learned about Azeyma in his seclusion. He asked me to swear myself to her cause. He asked me to track down four lambs who had strayed from her flock and hear them confess their sins.

Swaenhylt, Voice of Azeyma the Warden
I don't know about swearing my soul to Azeyma's cause, but I decided I would track down these lost souls and hear the story of how they became so lost from Azeyma's guiding light. I didn't know what I hoped to gain, but so far taking these little jobs has brought me a lot of insight into the history and lore of Eorzea - something I am truly interested in and sinners tell the most interesting tales.

I found Flavielle first at the Adventurer Guild in Gridania. She confessed to have obtained an Ixal horn by questionable means simply to learn more about the Ixal. It seemed like a pretty weak confession. Hopefully the others were more colorful. The more I talked to her the more I understood she had some twisted, curious obsession with the Ixal. I felt bad for her almost.

I struck out for Quarrymill, where Swaenhylt had said I would find another sinner in need of confessing. I wonder how he knew of them since Flavielle seemed to be confused how I knew her at all. Keketo confessed to scaring her neighbor after seeing some sylphs pull similar pranks in the forest. Are these things really the things Azeyma would smite her followers for? I don't even want t go out of my way to head to Ul'dah and Limsa Lominsa. These sins are ridiculous.

Repent Prankster!
I decided to expend some anima in order to speed up my mission. I was starting to regret accepting this task and didn't want it to take any longer than necessary. As I assumed, Ceadda (who was hanging around the Customs Office) confessed giving in to his exquisite tastes and eating at the Bismark. I tracked down Thimm again in Ul'dah who said he had fallen from the path since Ala Mhigo had fallen and he was driven from his homeland. He drank too much. Well, I'd taken their confession - it was time to go back to Swaenhylt and see if this was all as foolish as it seemed.

Spokesman of the Ala Mhigan Refugees
Sadly all Swaenhylt had to say on the matter was that I should not worry for these souls any longer and that they were once again tended by Azeyma. Her judgment was coming soon and all we can do is take as many as we can under her wing. Well, he offered me some flatbread which I'd munch on for the next few days but otherwise this quest that took me all over Eorzea was perhaps a giant waste of time.

Saturday, April 23, 2011

Searching for Seedseers

I was studying with Nimla at the Conjurer Guild when Kinnison, guard of the Lotus Stand, asked us if we would track down five individuals to ask if they knew how fare the Seedseers, those who listen to the whisper of the wood and decide the fate of Gridania itself.

Kinnison's Request
Mestonnaux at the Botanist Guild told us that he often sees Raya O Senna when he returns from the fields. She often warned he and other botanists to keep stores full as war was on their doorstep. He hoped the rumors of the Grand Companies were true otherwise stores alone wouldn't save Gridania.

Sybell said a Seedseer had told him to maintain vigilance in these times and mentioned the coming and goings of adventurers lately gave an ample opportunity for Imperial spies to sneak into their numbers. Nellaure had recently seen A-Ruhn-Senna while foraging for timber. He feared the demand for weapons would vastly outweigh the number they were able to create for the upcoming conflict with Garlemald.

Sybell the Vague
Khuma Moshroca had seen Kan-E-Senna in the wood not long ago. The forest in the area trembled violently and Kan-E-Senna had arrived to calm the leatherworker and the wood itself. She said the shaking was caused by the Empire's flying monstrosities. The thought of the Empire raining down its full might on Gridania disturbed all of us greatly - that the wood itself would tremble thus under the power of a single flying machine.

Finally I spoke with Lefwyne, a merchant who spent a lot of time in the forest gathering seeds. He had also seen a Seer who had cautioned him about traveling so far from Gridania. Lefwyne mentioned the city-states would need as many supplies as they could manage if the war did break out and so he not only continued to collect seeds and supplies in the forest, but proposed an alliance of merchnats to form a company - and join the Grand Company if and when it arrose time to do so.

Nimla and I returned to Kinnison, hopeful that news of the three Seedseers would set him at ease. He gave us a bottle of morning meadow each as a reward for our efforts to ensure the safety of the leaders of Gridania.

Friday, April 22, 2011

Stoking the Immortal Flames

Fruhybolg enlisted me to help get the word out that the Grand Company, the Immortal Flames of Ul'dah, were now looking for members to bolster their numbers and set the wheels in motion. I'm interested in doing my part to get these Grand Companies up and running so I set out to talk to some members of the Ul'dah community that the Gladiator guild had marked for recruitment.

Fruhybolg Looks Tough
I received a list of champions from the Adventurer's Guild, courtesy of their attendant Lettice. I tracked down Thimm who was able to come up with a list of skilled and willing impoverished fighters willing to sign up for glory and riches. I was able to obtain a list of Ul'dah's elite from Jeger of the Sultana's guard. Vannes was able to make a list of adoring fans of Raubahn, said to command the Immortal Flames and once a great champion (and owner) of the Colosseum. There were sure to be many among them who would join his cause simply to emulate his glory. I found a formidable warrior named Zoengterbin who gave me a list of his trusted companions who would love to earn their fame and glory as well.

After compiling all these lists I returned to the Gladiator Guild. Fruhybolg was most impressed, especially with the mention of Raubahn Aldynn. He gave me a bottle of Onix Tears for my effort. I was happy to help.

Thursday, April 21, 2011

Legend of Ahldbhar the Archon

I heard a rumor that the bartender down in the Miner's Guild knew something about the Archon. I found Nimla and we went to see the woman about a mythical creature that hatches from eggs. Her name is Tyago Moui and she was eager to talk to us. She said it was widely believed that the Archons came to the world's rescue some 1500 years ago when it fell into the 6th Umbral Age. She told us of a bard compiling stories of the Archon and looking for a muse to help him work the characters into a grand song. She promised to help him but had her work at the bar cut out for her so she sent us to track down Lyngwaek at the Gladiator Guild to help inspire the bard on the subject of Ahldbhar, the most formidable of the Archons of legend.
Interview with Tyago Moui
 We tracked down Lyngwaek who told us his brutal philosophy for defeating his enemies (and disregard for life) which turned both our stomachs slightly and then we set out to fill in Moui the information the bard may need to complete his tale. Tyago told us how the Archon, Ahldbhar was said to be Rhalgr the Destroyer in Roegadyn form - a monster of a warrior who took on a group of vile sorcerers all on his own ... until one day something changed and he took up arms with his previous enemies. She knew nothing more, sadly.

Interview with Lyngwaek
I thought the Archons to be a race of angelic creatures, but this Ahldbhar was a Roegadyn? Surely he didn't hatch from an egg. I wonder what the connection is to these Archons, this Dreamer prophecy and the truth of to these legends.

Wednesday, April 20, 2011

Goblin Negotiations

I was heading to the Adventurer Guild in Limsa Lominsa when I found a curious sight.

A goblin by the name of Sweetnix Rosycheeks was standing between levels of Limsa by a bunch of crates. I wasn't sure if he was hiding or if this was simply where Limsa kept its goblins so I decided to stop and speak to him. He asked me in his strange speech to exchange "tongueflaps" with the "Cudaman" named Ryssfloh at Camp Bearded Rock. Curiousity got the best of me (and I love "jinglyshine") so I decided I'd visit the guild later and headed out to Bearded Rock.

Ryssfloh seemed annoyed by the request but divulged to me the history of Bearded Rock and how the Yellowjackets are tasked with patrolling and defending the land-based assets of the Thalassocracy. The name originates from a time when criminals were strung up on the rock years ago and a particularly vicious villain by the name of One-eyed Wylfred refused to succumb and was chained up so many months he grew an enormous beard until one day the guards reported there was only beard and no pirate. Local legend says the moss growing on the boulder was still Willie's beard.

Tongueflap with Ryssfloh
He went on to tell me how the Yellowjackets, Thalassocratic Navy's First Squadron Second Levy Infantry, were often scoffed and laughed at - the subject of continuous budget cuts as the men of the sea saw little use to defend the strategic outposts along the island of Vylbrand and the lands of La Noscea. I supposed this was all the tongueflap Sweetnix needed so I decided to return to him, wondering why he couldn't walk himself out of the city. I decided not to dwell on it.

Sweetnix seemed most interested in the budget restraints of the Yellowjackets and mentioned the rusty swords and worm-eaten shields they are forced to use day after day, but then offered me 2,500 gil to be on my way so he could make his plans. I wonder what plans a goblin would have for the Yellowjackets.

Tuesday, April 19, 2011

Discovering the Maelstrom

I returned to Limsa Lominsa to inquire about the Grand Company there.

I found myself at the Musketeer Guild, the Knights of the Barracuda headquarters naturally. I was directed to Ginnade, a female Hyur knight, who told me the Knights were currently gathering information on how to best enlist the help of the various pirate organizations of Limsa Lominsa to rally them against the Empire. Although I knew they had incredible technological advances, it was the first time I'd heard the name Garlemald's imperial airship fleet and wondered what sort of decimation they could cause to the island of Vylbrand.
Meeting with Ginnade
Due to my inconspicuous nature as an adventurer, she asked me to meet with the Barracuda informants and report back to her with information they could use to unite the feuding pirate clans. I met with Z'onggo, a Miqo'te fisher at the guild, under the cover of moonlight and she told me the Salthounds were starving under their captain's gluttony and that long ago the Maelstrom super fleet had been formed with pirates simply by offering them fat enough purses. 

Fisher Z'onggo
I met a Miqo'te named W'hahtoa aboard the Astalicia who claimed its captain wanted only one thing in this world his luck and fate hadn't brought him already and that was command of an airship. This was interesting news indeed and seemed far more likely that the Astalicia would side with those who could readily make that offer available, the Imperials, if the Admiral didn't make a move ont he Astalicia soon and promise them their share of the glory of fighting for Limsa Lominsa.
Pirate W'hahtoa
Ferdillaix discussed with me the prospect of offering absolution for their sins and crimes. He mentioned it was a method Ishgard used to enlist people into the knights to take up arms against the Wyrmking and his kind. He also mentioned this had worked for the Maelstrom in the past - according to historical notes.

Faithful Ferdilaix
Frailoise of the Culinary Guild said the way to a man's passion was through food, naturally. He mentioned the Bismark was commissioned for the Maelstrom previously using the lure of full bellies to entice the crew. This is the first I'd heard of the Bismark and I was curious to learn more about it. Frailoise knew little else unfortunately.

Chef Frailoise
Finally I met with Arnegis who is a ship builder at Naldiq & Vymelli's who said the promise of more ships and more captains would win over many hearts among the pirates and I had a feeling he was right along with the others. It seemed the Admiralty had a lot of tools at its disposal to sway the hearts and minds of the sea dogs of Limsa Lominsa. I headed back to the Coral Tower to speak with Ginnade.

Smithy Arnegis
Ginnade was surprised at the thorough report I had compiled and added to her notes that it was perhaps the  adventurers that the Admiral should turn her attention toward winning over rather than the anarchist pirates clans that remained difficult to bridle. I was flattered she was so pleased with my work. She gave me a stein of dusken draught for my effort in compiling this information. The dusken draught is a brew distributed among the Lominsan Armada to provide quick recovery from wounds. It was a treasure indeed best saved for a day when I'm in need.

Monday, April 18, 2011

A New Hope for Eorzea

Ever since I came to Eorzea six months ago I've heard talk of "companies," what I later learned were officially called the Grand Companies of Eorzea. I never mentioned it before because I wasn't entirely clear what they were or why there was such an excitement surrounding the concept but lately the talk has exploded on the streets of the city-states. There was an official announcement a few days ago that the Grand Companies were opening soon, that hope for Eorzea was at hand.

The Grand Companies are officially stated to be "the establishment of a comprehensive command center which combine the military, economic, and technological resources of a city-state in order to prepare it for coming doom." There was no timeline given when the Companies would be utilizing adventurers or how but it was comforting to understand they were currently being organized and the threat from the Garlean Empire would finally be confronted by the combined efforts of Ul'dah, Gridania and Limsa Lominsa. There's no word from Ishgard or Sharlayan joining the fight. 

I've been asking myself with which city-state I should ally myself. I'm a registered citizen of Limsa Lominsa, but I have been living in Ul'dah for several months as it is the economic center of Eorzea, but Gridania is literally on the front lines and where Nimla is registered as a citizen. Perhaps I won't be forced to choose and can support each equally but if I'm forced to choose I am currently torn.
An Odd Sight in Ul'dah
 Along with the announcement of Grand Companies there has been an influx of song and dance coming from people calling themselves Dreamers. I noticed them first in Ul'dah as I was preparing to embark on a patrol with Moogle Knights. The Dreamers appear to be some kind of religious movement that's spreading through the city-states originating from the original Dreamer, Jihli Aliapoh a Miqo'te from the Black Shroud. The Dreamer's Gospel tells of the return of the Archon - a race of angelic beings to save Eorzea from the perils of invasion.

The Dreamers
Honestly, I'd put my money and resources into the Companies over angelic beings, but I decided to listen to what these Dreamers had to say and was surprised when they handed me a strange yellow egg referred to as an earth Archon egg which they wanted me to incubate in preparation of the Archon's return. I was told if I incubated it as well as three other distinctive eggs, I'd be rewarded with an egg-shaped helmet. I laughed to myself as I walked off with this large yellow egg - but I thought I'd bite.

Later in the day I met up with a fellow Moogle Knight who offered me the eggs I was missing from the collection - I could tell she believed in this Archon thing so I tried not to embarrass myself as I lovingly took the Archon eggs and returned the full collection to the Dreamers of Ul'dah. I was rewarded as promised.
Looks as Ridiculous as it Sounds
I'd like to see one of these Archons if they truly exist. I recall that time I had seen the Ascian. The vision of it was one of the most horrific things I had ever seen and it lingers in my mind. I imagine the Archons are the opposite of those Ascian monsters, but I won't know until I see one.

Saturday, April 16, 2011

Fighting Phaia

Nimla and I spent the night in Gridania to prepare for our task today.

We had heard rumor that a large, predatory boar named Phaia had been seen south of Humblehearth. It had a long history of tormenting travelers and was once a pet of the sylphs for some reason. We didn't delve to much in the lore or history, but set out to find and slay the beast together.

Wrangling the Boar
We spotted it among a group of doe just southwest of Humblehearth area and drew it into battle armed with our wits and our spells. The fight was long and slightly arduous. Phaia inflicted great wounds at a near impossible speed, but our healing spells were also strong and swift. Using what little thaumaturgy I knew and our conjury to heal and whittle away at its tough hide, we were able to bring the beast to the ground.

Nimla found an axe which had been missing for some time somewhat ironically named Boar's Bane embedded in its hide and claimed it as her own. Her skill with the axe had been growing day by day and we were happy with our trophy.

Phaia's Final Charge

  • Humblehearth (29,34)
  • Boar's Bane
  • Penance (Belt)

Friday, April 15, 2011

Watcher Watch & The Sicksa Secret

I was passing through Gridania when I was stopped on the street by a member of the Botany Guild. We had never met formally but he had seen me some time ago when I had done some work for the guild (and met a moogle in person!). He'd heard my name lately over the linkpearls as a go to for getting some extra work done. I asked who had mentioned me, but he would not say. Apparently I was building a small reputation for myself outside the Path of the Twelve which I thought to myself was good for business. The Antecedent had recently chastised me for taking work outside of her orders and I wondered if this would get back to her and I'd be in trouble again.

I put those thoughts aside for now and asked this Sandre fellow how I could help him or the guild off the books. He explained to me how lately the paths were dangerous at night for botanists and I had seen an increase in wild boar wandering dangerously close to the city myself. He told me that the lights I see in the wood and city are called Watchers and they are fueled by fire elementals themselves. He handed me a pouch filled with ceruleum compound which acted as a fuel for the fire elemental's light and warmth and asked if I would help light up the forest slightly and make it a safer place.

I'd never heard of this ceruleum compound in my studies as an alchemist and I realized how little I knew about the elementals as a student of conjury, but the task intrigued me on both levels so I accepted readily. I set out to spark some life into the Watchers and he graciously parted with a pair of dodoskin shoes as compensation. I assumed they would look good with the outfit I was slowly building from these side-jobs.

I had lit several Watchers when I was approached by an elezen man who appeared troubled. He noticed me lighting a Watcher and asked if he could sit a while. I offered him some of the mutton stew I'd brought with me but he wasn't interested in eating. He introduced himself as Beli, a member of the leather-working guild which was headquartered in Gridania.  He told me that he'd been recently asked to authenticate a hide to find out if it belonged to a somewhat legendary creature called a Sicksa. He'd believed in the beast since he was a boy, but one had never been seen or caught or killed to his knowledge. It was somewhat of a myth. I'd never heard of it, but I asked him what I could do to help.

He explained that the hide looked rather similar to a bristletail marmot and said he had set out to find some himself when he decided he was too biased by his desire for it to be truly a sicksa hide. He asked if I would do the deed and return with some marmot hides for comparison's sake so he could learn the truth of the matter after he'd cleared his head. I was finishing up with the Watchers and was headed out to Emerald Moss so I decided I'd deliver a few marmot hides for him. Spear in hand, I set out.
You Know Beli, Nimla?

I found and slayed ten or so creatures and met up with Beli at the guild with eight hides in perfect condition. He examined all of them with careful scrutiny and then declared the sicksa hide was in fact authentic. I was surprised by the news (as was he) but he made an important decision on the spot. The sicksa must be rare indeed and thus protected. He would lie and say the hide was a fake and asked me to keep his secret as well. He made me swear on the subligar reward he was offering that I would keep the sicksa secret.

Thursday, April 14, 2011

Nut Grabbing & Puk Slaying

I was in the Alchemist Guild buying some fine sand when I ran into a lalafell named Kukusi.

I'd seen her before but we had never spoken. She was always toiling over charts and clearly interested in the finances of the Phrontistery (perhaps a member of the Syndicate that I've heard about). Today though she seemed especially vexed so I spoke with her and she told me the city was overwhelmed with people who could were unable to get a good night's sleep. Rather the opposite of Damielliot's problem. She asked if I would be willing to gather some slumber nuts from nutgrabbers outside town. They're marmots if you're curious.
Death to Nutgrabbers!
I grabbed a spear and headed out to Camp Black Brush to find the nutgrabbers. They were easy enough to find and kill and each one was grabbing a slumber nut. I wondered what they taste like but feared I may fall asleep on the job so I took the nuts back to Ul'dah. Kukusi was happy to have the nuts (she's a nutgrabber) but was worried about those who were beyond the help of medicine. Those people had been referred to the thaumaturgy at the Arrzaneth Ossuary and I worried about their workload. I thought I may stop in and see if they need help.
Thanks for the Half-Robe
For my troubles, Kukusi gave me a cotton half-robe which looks pretty good, especially with my fisherman unmentionables underneath. I thanked her and headed for the Ossuary.

Arrzaneth Ossuary decided to send Nimla to train in Limsa Lominsa. I wondered if she was asked to complete the training I failed recently, but didn't want to get involved in that discussion. I decided to go with her and was hanging out at Naldiq & Vymelli's where I assumed she would turn up to recruit for the Ossuary and met another lalafell woman named Hihine. She told me a brief history of the guild and its founding members, Naldiq the Wright and Vymelli the Smith. When she found out I was an adventurer she asked if I'd be willing to take a job without dealing with the Adventurer's Guild. Since I was killing time waiting for Nimla, I agreed.
Discussion about Bridge Building
She asked me to head out to a bridge which the armorers of Limsa Lominsa are tasked with repairing and clear out the nest of puk that live there. It seemed easy enough so I headed out to the bridge with spear in hand. I'm enjoying all the training and experience I'm getting with the spear lately.

Stay Off That Bridge!
After clearing out the puk nest, I headed back to Limsa Lominsa where I met Nimla at Naldiq & Vymelli's. Hihine noticed my new cotton half-robe and gave me a cotton coif to match it. I'm collecting quite the unique outfit.

Cotton Coif Obtained

Wednesday, April 13, 2011

Scout Savior

I was sitting with Nimla when an urgent message came over my Path of the Twelve linkpearl.We rushed to the Waking Sands. I was told that Hero was already on the scene - somewhere east of Gridania and I should make haste to find the source of this mysterious call. Nim and I set out for Gridania at once.
Ready to Rescue
 We caught up with him at Camp Nine Ivies where I learned his mother had died recently. He seemed to take the news well. I was hailed by the Captain of the Ala Mhigan Resistance who informed me the distress came from a scout who was stuck out in the field. Should she be captured the Resistance would be in great danger. Hero wasted no time and dashed into the forest. Leaving Nimla at the camp, we went in search of the scout.

We'll Save You!
After defeating two hounds who had cornered the miqo'te scout, she was able to return to the Resistance. Hero seemed dismissive when he sent me and Nimla back to Waking Sands. There I got scolded for taking on missions not assigned to me by the Antecedent. Hero arrived to save me from the scolding and pulled me aside to tell me he was acquainted with members of the Resistance. He did not mention it, but I feel his mother must be ... must have been tied to them. I feel bad, but he doesn't seem to want to discuss it with me.

Tuesday, April 12, 2011

Yarzon Leftovers

I have been learning how to use a bow under the tutelage of Moogle Knight Captain Ndeee.

I've come a long way so I decided to receive training from the archers' guild in Gridania. I knew they worked closely with the Conjurers to carry out the will of the elementals and the voice of the forest. I was excited to get more training and be in the Black Shroud - where I feel slightly more at home than the seas of Limsa Lominsa and the deserts of Ul'dah.
Nice to Meet You, Keelty
The guild paired me up with another archer novice named Keelty and told us we were to help defend the forest from the threat of the Ixal - who I had tangled with a few times. Keelty explained that they prey upon the weak and young animals of the forest. Though I question the accuracy of the information since I'm not familiar with Ixal culture - if it's true it's certainly cruel and harmful to life in the forest. We set out to patrol from Camp Emerald Moss.

I found an Ixal north of Lake (Something) and chased him away from the group of yarzon it was killing. Unfortunately the yarzon turned on me. Once I had put them down (and they did not seem weak or young), I ran after the Ixal to make sure he was gone and found Keelty lying on the forest floor. She was unharmed (so what was she doing on the ground?) but thought it odd the Ixal was hunting yarzon which are not indigenous to the Black Shroud.
Leftovers Again?
 I learned something today. Where did the yarzon come from? Between the yarzon, the Ixal and the Garlean soldiers - how many invaders are the elementals trying to fight at once? It seems like a big task for the people of Gridania. I headed back to Gridania with those thoughts on my mind. I checked in at the guild where they were none to happy that Keelty requested we split up when we were supposed to be relying on each other. I didn't mean to cause her any problems - I handled myself just fine and I felt bad she fell down or tripped or whatever happened to her. I'll have to apologize to her in the future if I caused her any problems.