Tuesday, April 26, 2011

The Dreamer Dilema

I awoke to quite the commotion this morning. I pulled myself out of bed at the Roost in Gridania and made my way out into the streets to figure out what was the matter. The source of the disturbance was Jihli Aliapoh and her followers - something had happened. Jihli herself was in some kind of trance, muttering the Dreamer's Gospel verses about a hero saving them from calamity. Her assistance was much more helpful, however. He explained to me that one of the spriggan assistants had stolen all their eggs that adventurers like myself had so thoughtfully and carefully warmed for them. I bet Marcette's research about the gregariousness of spriggan species would have been useful to them last night.

Something is Missing
 Now, I'm not sure why I allow myself to be caught up in these messes, but I told myself if I didn't help them track down those eggs, I'd never know if their talk of the Archon was real or not. I couldn't let their summoning ceremony fall flat without doing my part (again) to help. Admittedly this was a bit more of a commitment than simply warming up some eggs, but her assistant, Bricot, assured me that if I were to help (become the hero in the Dreamer's Gospel) that I would be rewarded with assorted egg caps like the pristine one I had been given earlier. The hats are cute, I admit, so I set out at once to find the spriggan brigand named Twiggy.

Stop, Vile Spriggan Villains!
I searched high and low, from Camp Tranquil through Humblehearth to Emerald Moss and found Twiggy was not alone in his heist. I apprehended and punished numerous egg-stealing spriggan and gathered a dozen or so of each element (elements I didn't even know they had collected!) on my journey to find Twiggy. I even delved into the depths of the Tam-Tara Deepcroft and the Mun-Tuy Cellars - and at last I found Twiggy!

Finding Twiggy!
He (it?) explained to me that he was planning to do his own Archon summoning and asked me to give him only one set of elemental eggs for him to go through with the project. Now, I have to say I am translating a bit of his spriggan gibberish but that was the gist of his request. He offered me a shiny white egg cap with a small, golden chocobo figurine on top and I was sold (I'm a sucker for "cute" junk). I handed over to him a set of elemental eggs and promised not to reveal his location deep in the cellars. He gave me the egg helmet and I returned to Jihli with the rest of my haul.

Gifts from the Spriggan
Jihli was most elated to see I had returned a vast many eggs. I was showered with gifts and praise and assured that I was truly the hero spoken of in the Dreamer's Gospel. I don't really know about that, but I am curious if the Archons are going to show up anytime soon to help us fight the Imperials. Between Jihli and her followers and Twiggy - I hope to see some Archons soon.

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