Wednesday, April 27, 2011

Shai Dodosbane

Nimla and I were returning from Gridania to Uldah by foot and decided to drop in at the Golden Bazaar, a small community of traders and merchants living in the northeast area of Thanalan. We had only time to have a refreshing glass of water when a young Lalafell merchant called Sasapano approached us with a curious tale. Earlier in the day he had been traveling back from Gridania himself and had been attacked by a pack of ... dodos. Fleeing the dodos he stumbled into a group of Garlean soldiers camped in a cave. Caught between the Empire and the ... dodos, he opted to abandon his goods and head for Golden Bazaar as fast as he could.

Dodos? Really?
 We stifled some laughter but agreed to help him by slaying the dodos so he could recover his goods - or particularly a rare Azeyma rose which he described to be so beautiful we'd never love another flower afterward. Well, all this for a flower and the 5,000 gil he promised us in return for protecting him from ... dodos.

Epic Dodo Fight
Nimla and I accompanied Sasapano to the spot and sure enough there was a large throng of dodos hanging around "aggressively." Nimla and I made short work of them while Sasapano scrambled to find his precious rose (which I admit was quite astounding). We made him standby while we investigated the cave where he'd seen Imperials but we found only common Thanalan shrew scuffling about. That was slightly disappointing. I was ready to evict those invaders from this mortal coil if they happened to be a size of force that Nimla and I could handle. Regrettably they had either moved on or the Lalafell had imagined them in his heighten state of panic.

We returned with him to the Golden Bazaar where he awarded us with the gil (5,000 each!) and dubbed us Dodosbane. It has a nice ring to it, Shai Dodosbane, but perhaps the "Dodo" part is not quite intimidating enough. Well, until my exploits grow, I suppose I am Dodosbane.

U'bokhn of the Desert Shade
As we arrived in Ul'dah that evening I caught wind there was a young woman looking for a dodo slayer. Nimla just laughed, but I decided to heed the call. If there are dodos to be slayed, I shall be that slayer. I headed over to the Coliseum where I found a Miqo'te drink vendor in need of my expertise. She introduced herself as U'bokhn, originally from Gridania, but now a founding member of the Desert Shade. It's an organization attempting to better Ul'dah ecologically - U'bokhn does her part to keep people hydrated in the city and outside they are attempting reforestation. Their efforts thwarted by those vile dodos who dig up and eat every planted seed.

Dodosbane in Action
 I set out at once to clear the area selected for reforestation. Spear blazing, I slayed many dodo that night. By daybreak the job was done and all that was left was to return to U'bokhn to get the botanists out to sow the seeds. Unfortunately, she would have to wait. I had seen a fugitive enter the Nanawa Mines and I intended to pursue and apprehend if possible.

This is Dodo Genocide!

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