Saturday, April 30, 2011

The Orion's Belt

As Nimla and I passed through customs entering Limsa Lominsa  we were hailed by a ship captain who was being held up due to some unfortunate technicalities. I had seen him around the ports before but we had never spoken. He asked if we could take care of some business for him while he waited for customs to sort out their issues with his ship, the Orion, and its cargo.

Captain Ahldskyf had the great idea to sell flour to the island nation in the Sea of Jade called Thavnair where flour is a rare commodity. They were to set sail for the capital of Radz-at-Han, but the Orion's owner would not condone wasting cargo space on the flour which was all crated and ready to be loaded. Captain Ahldskyf and the ship's cook had devised a plan to pitch the flour to both the nobles of Thavnair and the ship's owner by using a secret recipe for fishtack. All the captain wanted us to do was spread the fishtack around town and get it endorsed by notable members of the community.

Shoshoma Sampling
 It sounded easy enough so Nimla and I set out to the task. We tracked down Daca Jinjahl whom I had met in passing at the Fisherman's Bottom. Her expert opinion on fish was the first endorsement we got. We then headed to Shoshoma, a lalafell I had not heard of but was perhaps an acquaintance of the ship's owner. Then we headed to F'zhumii, a Knight of the Barracuda, who also gave it a positive review. Nimla and I were growing hungry and all this talk of how good the fishtack is made us want to sample it ourselves more and more, but we had one last stop - and perhaps the most important.

Cats Love Fish(tack)
We spoke with Aentfoet at the Bismarck restaurant, a renown chef and culinary master. He feigned disregard for something as common as fishtack, but I could see in his eyes that his passion for food burned brightly. He dismissed it, yet asked for the recipe so that he may "improve upon it." Nimla and I laughed and shook our heads. We could see that he was sold on the ship's cook's recipe, but it went without saying the cook would leave his ship to work with Aentfoet at the Bismarck, or give up his guarded secret recipe. Perhaps Nimla and I could coax him out of it as a reward.

Chef Aentfoet Approved
Upon our successful return with only positive reviews behind us, Ahldskyf offered us a position on his ship as deckhands which we turned down. To be honest, I would love to serve aboard a ship for a time, but my business ventures and responsibilities around the city-states keep me bound to the land for now. I cannot abandon my customers or my Path with Hero. We did not receive fishtack or its recipe, but Captain Ahldskyf did  reward us with 5,000 gil each.

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