Saturday, April 23, 2011

Searching for Seedseers

I was studying with Nimla at the Conjurer Guild when Kinnison, guard of the Lotus Stand, asked us if we would track down five individuals to ask if they knew how fare the Seedseers, those who listen to the whisper of the wood and decide the fate of Gridania itself.

Kinnison's Request
Mestonnaux at the Botanist Guild told us that he often sees Raya O Senna when he returns from the fields. She often warned he and other botanists to keep stores full as war was on their doorstep. He hoped the rumors of the Grand Companies were true otherwise stores alone wouldn't save Gridania.

Sybell said a Seedseer had told him to maintain vigilance in these times and mentioned the coming and goings of adventurers lately gave an ample opportunity for Imperial spies to sneak into their numbers. Nellaure had recently seen A-Ruhn-Senna while foraging for timber. He feared the demand for weapons would vastly outweigh the number they were able to create for the upcoming conflict with Garlemald.

Sybell the Vague
Khuma Moshroca had seen Kan-E-Senna in the wood not long ago. The forest in the area trembled violently and Kan-E-Senna had arrived to calm the leatherworker and the wood itself. She said the shaking was caused by the Empire's flying monstrosities. The thought of the Empire raining down its full might on Gridania disturbed all of us greatly - that the wood itself would tremble thus under the power of a single flying machine.

Finally I spoke with Lefwyne, a merchant who spent a lot of time in the forest gathering seeds. He had also seen a Seer who had cautioned him about traveling so far from Gridania. Lefwyne mentioned the city-states would need as many supplies as they could manage if the war did break out and so he not only continued to collect seeds and supplies in the forest, but proposed an alliance of merchnats to form a company - and join the Grand Company if and when it arrose time to do so.

Nimla and I returned to Kinnison, hopeful that news of the three Seedseers would set him at ease. He gave us a bottle of morning meadow each as a reward for our efforts to ensure the safety of the leaders of Gridania.

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