Saturday, February 26, 2011

Dance Recital at the Barrel

I made my way back out to the Barrel where Wawalago instructed me to dance in my subligar. He then had the nerve to laugh at me. I felt very humiliated but seeing how discouraged I was he instructed me to fish up one of the Barrel's fish and see for myself that he wasn't as crazy as he seemed.
It's Chilly Out Here
I caught a tiger cod and inspected it. It was as he had said - not an onze of fat. It was one lean fish.

Wawalago left me alone with my thoughts and my humility - he walked off with a huge smile on his face. Am I not the butt of some cruel joke? I suppose the muscle tone of the fish speaks for itself.

I returned to Sisipu (embarrassed that she should see me) and when I told her what transpired she dashed off after the mischievous mustached lalafell. Apparently this is some elaborate practical joke - though when I look back on it, it is quite funny. I chased after Sisipu who was pounding on the door to the back of the guild - I assume it's Wawalago's office or something.
Don't Look at Me!

I decided I would use the Echo on Sisipu to delve some truth on the matter - though a joke is a joke she seemed very upset on my behalf. What I saw startled me - apparently I've grown quite famous and popular at the guild. Sisipu and N'nmulika speak so highly of me. It appears the guildmaster is a touch jealous - or simply testing me. I don't know what to say. I'm somewhat flattered.

N'nmulika did not hold back in payment with both gil and marks.

Friday, February 25, 2011

(Crazy) Old Man & the Sea

I've spent most of my days fishing. Due to changes made to the markets that the guilds forced upon all three cities, prices have been dropping and sales have been slower. I spend most of my time relaxing in the depths of Cassiopeia Hollow where I catch assorted newt and crayfish. I decided that today I would stop by the guild to check if Sisipu wanted to go fishing. I had enough crab ball bait for both of us to enjoy her favorite spot (despite discovering "the Echo" there, which still shakes me up a bit).

As I walked in I was swept up by N'nmulika, though. She had big news for me - a promising venture! Fortunately (for me) it did involve Sisipu so I gladly accepted the offer. She asked me to assist her in feeding the pools of the fishery which didn't seem like to big of a challenge. It wasn't my idea of a relaxing fishing trip with an old friend, but I didn't mind putting in a little work at the guild once in a while.
Long Time, No See, Sisipu

I met up with Rerenasu outside the guild. He took me out on his little craft and over to the Barrel - the fishery where they raise fish for the guild needs. Once I fed all the fish a crazy old lalafell told me feeding the fish wasn't enough and that it would only make them fat. He told me ... I needed to make the fish dance. Though he didn't introduce himself, I assumed he was the guildmaster (crazy as that sounds). I set about dancing with fish. At least its safer than dancing with wolves.
Dances with Fish
After I had finished an elaborate and embarrassing dance - the old man told me to head to Ul'dah where I'd need to upgrade my outfit. He wants me to get something the fish would appreciate more. He handed me a letter (which was from Wawalago - the guildmaster. I knew it!) and I set back to the docks of Linsa Lominsa. The image of dancing with fish forever burned into my memory. Could this really be the secret to Fisherman's Bottom success? I surely hope not.

I stood at the docks a long time wondering if I should head over to Ul'dah. I had business there later in the day with Moogle Knights. It was a difficult decision, but I decided to head to Ul'dah early. I needed to talk with Bonchacha and Kalokoko about business, anyway. I gathered Anima about me and shot myself through the Aether to Ul'dah. Since the business is on hold, there's no need to follow the old trade routes.
"Looks good from here, hun."
  Words cannot express how I feel about wearing the old man's crazy idea of fish appealing clothing... Nimla seemed to like it from her point of view, though. I was embarrassed to return to Fisherman's "Bottom" as I was sure to be the laughing stock of the guild. I feel I have been hazed by the guildmaster himself.

I changed into something warmer and headed to speak with my employees. Wawalago's perversions would have to wait. I had some real business to attend to...

Saturday, February 5, 2011

Dragon Tales

I was in Ul'dah and asked to stop in and see Damielliot in the children's ward of the Phrontistery.
When I saw him he was muttering about dragons in his sleep. Apparently he had been telling the kids in the ward a story about a dragon and a kidnapped boy. It seemed to be of importance so I decided to head back to Nogeloix at the front desk. He wasn't interested in dragons, though. He told me they had discovered a new reagent that might help Damielliot's condition - and guess who they decided to send after it.

I headed up toward Gridania - not exactly part of the world I wanted to journey to but the health of Damielliot was of great concern to me. I am greatly interested in the sleeping boy and his stories.

I tracked down this starfall grass to the Adventure Guild in Gridania. A hyur by the name of Penelope who was reluctant to give any information, despite claiming knowledge of it. We engaged in parley! She was a worthy opponent but I bested her in words of alchemy and Ul'dah. She handed over the starfall grass on condition that I told her one of Damielliot's stories.

I told her as much as I knew of the story about the boy kidnapped by bandits and saved by a dragon. She went on to tell me the same boy was saved by another smaller, weaker dragon when he was abandoned by the bandits in the forest. She went on to tell me the Archbishop of Ishgard has forbid stories like these be told so I should guard my tongue in these parts near Gridania and Ishgard. I assume its because they are in the middle of some crusade against dragonkin.

After some running around with members of Moogle Inc., I headed back to Ul'dah to deliver the grass and relay to the children the end of the dragon story I had heard while in Gridania. I thought to regale them with stories of conquest and triumph against the vile creatures Eorzea has put  before me, but decided that the simple story of a boy and his dragon would be just what the doctor ordered - so to speak.