Saturday, February 26, 2011

Dance Recital at the Barrel

I made my way back out to the Barrel where Wawalago instructed me to dance in my subligar. He then had the nerve to laugh at me. I felt very humiliated but seeing how discouraged I was he instructed me to fish up one of the Barrel's fish and see for myself that he wasn't as crazy as he seemed.
It's Chilly Out Here
I caught a tiger cod and inspected it. It was as he had said - not an onze of fat. It was one lean fish.

Wawalago left me alone with my thoughts and my humility - he walked off with a huge smile on his face. Am I not the butt of some cruel joke? I suppose the muscle tone of the fish speaks for itself.

I returned to Sisipu (embarrassed that she should see me) and when I told her what transpired she dashed off after the mischievous mustached lalafell. Apparently this is some elaborate practical joke - though when I look back on it, it is quite funny. I chased after Sisipu who was pounding on the door to the back of the guild - I assume it's Wawalago's office or something.
Don't Look at Me!

I decided I would use the Echo on Sisipu to delve some truth on the matter - though a joke is a joke she seemed very upset on my behalf. What I saw startled me - apparently I've grown quite famous and popular at the guild. Sisipu and N'nmulika speak so highly of me. It appears the guildmaster is a touch jealous - or simply testing me. I don't know what to say. I'm somewhat flattered.

N'nmulika did not hold back in payment with both gil and marks.

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