Saturday, January 15, 2011

Communing with Nature

Since I was in Gridania due to the Ashcrown Consortium business, I dropped in on the Stillglade Fane. Soileine told me that I was now ready to attempt to commune with the elementals if I was willing to undertake the task. I communed with scarier things yesterday and I have been honing my skills as a conjurer lately rather than working with wood or fish. I felt ready. I was instructed to seek out Brother Ingram.

He was critical of adventurers being among the guild but put his faith in me. He handed me a mysterious leather sack and instructed me to put my ear to the Twelveswood. I had a strange encounter in the forest once so I knew exactly where to go to see if it would happen again. I headed for Amberscale Rock - where that "dragon" attacked the knight from Ishgard.

I found Morys there waiting for me. Neither of us were surprised by this. He said our fates were intertwined and I had to agree based on our recent adventures together. He spoke to me then of the void in his memory and of Ishgard's pull on him. He asked me if I would travel with him to the city-state and of course I agreed. We headed for Camp Emerald Moss to begin our journey.
Do You Hear Something?
Near the edge of Coerthas we were attacked by Furline Mosstroopers - who were they? What did they want from us? We didn't have a chance to find out. I defeated them effortlessly. It was then that I heard the Spirit of the Wood. It told Morys to return and then some force pushed him ... and he vanished as if a hole in reality had opened up to catch him! Where had he gone? I made my way back to Emerald Moss hoping to find him there.
Mosstrooper Ambush
I waited for some time but when he didn't appear I grew fearful and returned (as if driven) to the place where our fate seemed most intertwined - Amberscale Rock. I found Morys crumpled in a heap before the dragon-shaped stone and the Spirit of the Wood manifested and told me that Morys belonged to the forest now. I wasn't sure what to make of it so I approached the unconscious Morys (after the Spirit disappeared) and used the Echo on him.
Crumpled Morys
I found a young Morys being attacked by dreadwolves at this place before the stone dragon. I did my best to slay them but I could not save the child from being taken by the Spirit of the Wood. As I watched him vanish into this hole in reality I felt myself being ejected from this time, from this place and I awoke beside Morys once more. He remembered being taken as well. The Spirit told him that it wasn't time and he must wait but failed to elaborate. Poor Morys wandered off into the woods in confusion and I was left alone. I knew I could not follow where he was going this time and so I headed back to Brother Ingram.

Wait for What, Spirit?
Ingram asked for the bag to be returned - I'd completely forgotten about it. I handed it to him and he seemed to divulge the entire events of my adventure from it. He asked me to keep the fact that Morys was a wildling (taken by the forest) a secret to protect him and others from fearing or seeking to use his potential powers. Then he told me that hearing the elementals was a huge step forward, but understanding and carrying out their favors was still beyond me. However, I had succeeded where many failed for most of their lives. Brother Ingram was impressed. Soileine on the other hand appeared slightly jealous.

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