Sunday, January 16, 2011

Mummified Mole

I decided it was time to register my skills with the alchemist guild in Ul'dah, Frondale's Phrontistery. I had been practicing and using this skill to amass a great wealth of crystals and shards in the last few weeks and I had gone unregistered for too long. I may be fined for practicing unregistered, but fortunately I have been doing it in the privacy of ... well, the wilderness where no one would see me. Fishing and alchemizing as fate would have it.

The elezen Nogeloix was in charge of registration. After a brief introduction to their equal opportunity employment policy, he told me Damielliot, son of Guild Master Faustigeant, was in need of help. He handed me a linkpearl used by the phrontistery and a recipe for medicine I was to pick up at Camp Black Brush. Apparently Damielliot was afflicted with some kind of abnormal sleep affliction. Well, this wasn't the kind of work I had in mind, but I decided for the guildmaster's son's sake I would try to fill his prescription posthaste.
My Kingdom for Illuminating Salts
I found Numomo easily enough at the camp. She handed me a mummified mole and told me I needed a pinch of illuminating salts. I didn't happen to have any so I set out to find or make some. I knew the recipe involved blindfish, but I didn't have any of those either. In fact, I'd only ever caught one in my short fishing career. I checked the available guildleves, but like always they seemed intent on pawning off their silex on me (which I promptly turn around and sell at the nearest shop to get it off my hands - I fear someday I may regret this when I actually need silex). That's a dead end. I headed to the Market Wards where I could meet up with Bonchacha and Kalokoko (who I sent off to sell some of my used clothing).

Sadly the markets were also void of salts or blindfish to make salts. It seems I bit off more than I can chew with this task. It may be time to break out my fishing rod and take matters into my own hands. The only place I had caught one so far is Cassiopeia Hollow and that was not a short walk. I wasn't willing to zoom myself along the aether highway to Camp Bloodshore either. I prepared for a long walk and a long ferry trip.

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