Sunday, October 10, 2010

Fishing with Sisipu

Early this morning, Baderon sent me a message that a young fisherman woman was looking for me. Since I only know one person who fits that description, I headed over to the fisherman guild. Sisipu met me at the door. She wanted someone to join her on a sahagin hunt and I could use the money. I ran out to Oschon's Torch to learn we wouldn't be fighting any sahagin. I was in fact an escort to a casual fishing trip. As I sat there (annoyed) she told me how the sahagin had only increased in aggression since Seal Rock appeared in the mists. She explained her theory on how it is actually something called "Swallowtail Roam" a sacred and protected domain that should be left alone.

I asked about Swallowtail Roam and she explained to me the legend of how the lands of Eorzea were created and how the Guardian Llymlaen sealed the sea serpent (who created the oceans) in a floating island referred to as Swallowtail Roam. She was concerned that if her theory was correct then the sea serpent I saw that fateful night might continue to create oceans and sink the entire land of Eorzea. Considering the legend does seem to match the unusual events surrounding the sea serpent and the island's appearance, I think there's some merit to her theory.

Sisipu's Favorite Fishing Spot
Our conversation was interrupted by (none other than) Commodore Sthalmann. They began to discuss Emerick's confinement and trying to link him to Carvallain to get rid of them once and for all. I learned Carvallain is the Captain of the Kraken's Arms (Pirates- I knew it!) and that Rhoswen woman is Captain of the Sanguine Sirens. Sthalmann ordered Sisipu to return to Linsa Lominsa for her own safety and explained to me that she was the sole survivor of an incident in a location named Brookhaven - it was there she saw Emerick speaking with a sahagin contact. Now that I understood the gravity of the situation, it made more sense why Sisipu needed me to come to her favorite fishing spot with her.

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